Monday, July 1, 2013

The Process of Dawn to Dusk Writing

Why is my writing blog titled "Dawn to Dusk Writing"?

Was I just trying to come up with a rhythmic name?

Was I having problems finding a blog name that wasn't already taken?

Do I believe in the validity of the blog name?

Yes, to all three. I've gone through a few blogs and a few blog names, but this blog, with this blog name is sticking. Why? Because writing is unlike so many other hobbies. To write and write well, you must have the mindset of writing, from dusk to dawn.

Writing is fully immersive. That's why it's so hard for so many of us. When you are writing well (actually paying attention to your writing), you can't carry on a decent conversation with the family member next to you. You can't watch your favorite TV program. You can barely listen to background music. At least, I know this is true for me.

Now, I'm not saying that to write well you have to write in a silent room locked away from everything and everyone. No, I do believe there is some value in multitasking abilities. After all, in today's times, multitasking is a built-in mandatory requirement.

What I am saying is that writing takes dedication. It's harder than simply watching TV. It's more demanding than a light conversation with friends. It takes more dedication and passion than video games.

So, when you write, keep that in mind. Think about the reason behind your writing. Do you want to write well or do you just want to write?

If it is the latter, keep watching that TV when you write. You may be able to call yourself a writer, but ask yourself: How can I write the best that I possibly can? Strive for your ideal state to write in. Your readers and your bank account will thank you when you publish.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Huge Thanks!

Welcome readers of The Midnight Murderer! I want to personally thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to dive into the twisted world of Adam Sharpe. I hope you enjoyed the novel, as I have greatly enjoyed making it for you.

I have just released a new version of The Midnight Murderer to Amazon's Kindle store. In this version, I have included a "Sneak Peek" of the second Adam Sharpe novel, The Escapee. 

If you have already purchased a copy of The Midnight Murderer and would like to get the first three chapters of The Escapee, please message me below or email me at and I will send you the "Sneak Peek."

I am projecting to have The Escapee finished and ready for publication by the end of this summer.

Please do not hesitate to email me or comment below with any suggestions, reviews or feedback you may have!

Brian Fleming

Friday, April 5, 2013

Debut Novel Relaunch! Now Titled The Midnight Murderer

Dear Readers,

As promised, I have republished my novel after fixing all editing, formatting and plot slips. During the process, I made the decision to switch the title of the book from Protect Whom? to The Midnight Murderer.

I'm running a special on for it right now. Free through Sunday. Stop in and pick up your copy today!

Thank you!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Word of Apology and A Promise

Dear Readers,

First off, thank you for your recent purchase of Protect Whom? The mere idea that the thoughts that used to solely belong in my head are now free in the world, to be read on your Kindle screen is both scary and invigorating.

But I want to make a public authorial apology. I am sorry that I released Protect Whom? into your hands with as one reviewer has put it, "shoddy proofreading." I have heard back from a few of you that there are a few glaring typos. For that, I am deeply sorry. Nothing is more jarring while reading a book than an error that is so blatant, you have to stop to figure out what the author was trying to say.

So, here is my promise. By the end of March, I will have a polished version of Protect Whom? on Amazon. From now till then, I will make sure Protect Whom? reads perfectly, with no typos or errors.

I ask that come the end of March, that you refund your purchase of Protect Whom? and purchase the cleaned, beautifully proofread Protect Whom? for your reading pleasure.

Thank you,
Brian Fleming

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Debut Fiction Novel Published!

                                                    Protect Whom?

Adam Sharpe must lead his team to unravel a string of gruesome murders in Bensen, a quant farming community in Colorado. The residents of Bensen, led by their charismatic mayor Aaron Schwimmer, attempt to close the case without FBI intervention. The Bensenites’ determination to catch the local serial killer they’ve dubbed “The Midnight Murderer” devolves into a deadly witch-hunt. Sharpe and his BAU team must step in to reinstate law and order. Unfortunately, the reveal of marital infidelity and the unraveling of Sharpe’s sanity threaten to both derail the Bensen investigation and Sharpe’s personal life.